Friday, December 14, 2007

When does love come?‎

Where ever I look, I only see pregnant women say they are shinning with happiness, feeling the most complete and uttermost joy of their lives and since I came to this world to be a mother I had no doubts I would feel the same. The reality is, for the first 3 months I didn’t even want to celebrate, the doctor in me wouldn’t let. Then it passed and reason said ok you may relax a bit now but still there is so much that can go wrong so you better wait. I feel horrible sometimes thinking that how can I think such horrible things? Why can’t I love him completely yet? Why doesn’t all this fear just go away? Then comes the guilt, I must be the worst mother already.

But then it occurred to me, what if all this fear could only mean love? And I came to the conclusion that it does, cause no matter what, I also imagine this little project I have inside of me to be the my best one yet, and he will have loads of dark hair (of this I am sure) and black eyes so big and so alive that you could sink into them in a blink. When he smiles at me, I will not believe he can be mine because no one has ever created something so beautiful and illuminated yet!

I know love is here, ready to come out at any time, it will probably fill me from head to toe at the very moment his lungs fill with air for the first time and maybe then I will be finally able to breath again.

P.S: After you are born, no more tap dancing on my bladder ok?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tap dancing on the bladder is really something, I know the feeling.

Love is already within your heart, mixed up with fear and some loneliness that will get amazingly unbeareble moments before the baby's delivery.

Nonethless, it will be a unique time, the greatest moment of truth in your life, I promise. Be brave and confident and mild. Enjoy the bless of this moment with all your soul. You will be a great mom e your child the most wonderful gift you will ever be given.

God bless you.


7:46 PM  
Blogger Doce Bárbara said...

Love is there, my friend. So real and so thick I can see it from here!!
Fear is there too, they walk together- as far as I can see.

Good luck in our journey, belly-mate ;-)

Love and kisses,


3:46 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Você prometeu atualizar o blog. Conta dele pra todo mundO, K. Você acertou em tudo! Maior cabeludinho, maior olhudinho, mas tem muito mais... Ele adora olhar a Lulu, seus melhores arrotos são com a tia Cacá, ele estica o pescoço pra ver o papai desde o primeiro dia, mas por enquanto tudo isso é muito pequeno perto do amor que ele tem pela mamãe e principalmente por aquela parte de onde vem toda a satisfação do mundo!Conta e que ele é a mistura perfeita entre marotice e paz. Ninguém consegue ohar pra ele sem abrir um sorriso. Eu pelo menos não consigo. Amo vocês!

4:26 PM  

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