Monday, September 18, 2006


You see, I live on this exotic place right now, so much different from anything I have ever seen or experienced in my whole life, and there is lots see and write about, even going to the corner can give you material to write something great. My life is populated by weird costumes and very different people. Ok, it is not always great having to control yourself more, and not always being who you really are but it is a great place with lovely people nonetheless. My biggest regret is that I didn’t get to see everything I wanted to, I still really need to go to Petra and other places, but hey, I know I’ll be back here many times Insha Allah.

And now I’m going to live on a place I never really imagined myself being. I am going to spend at least the next 4 years in SWITZERLAND, and that’s the scary part. It’s about the most civilized place on earth, everything seems to be so perfectly in place and for gods sake SO CLEAN!!! I’m scarred of becoming boring, and not having more funny or great things to say cause the impression I get is that everything is so damn organized that probably very little things can go wrong or become a struggle. On the other hand it is a great prospective of a much better life, where I’ll be able to have a drink if I want to and not wonder if the place sells alcohol in the first place. The food I am sure will be a lot more vary and it will be easier to go to a real Italian restaurant (but for the record I still adore Falafel and Shawarma). There will be loads of people that actually speak English and French for sure, and that will make it a lot easier to make friends. Anyway, there are many blessings that can come with this, and I am sure I’ll have great fun, and well, there is still the Magret de Canard, a Gap store 150 km away and Paris 3 hours by train, but if this blog becomes boring, please please please let me know.

Switzerland also opens the door to get to know other places, everything is so amazingly darn close that I am already going wow with all the places I’ll be able to see. There is also the fact that my family and friends won’t be scared to come and visit me anymore, I’ve tried to reassure all of them that it was perfectly safe here but nobody believed me. It will also be a lot cheaper to go to Brazil, and that is always a good thing.

I guess what I’m trying to say here is that I will miss the mess, I’ll miss the prospective of helping people that really need, I’ll miss the wedding, I’ll miss Shawarma (maybe not, Bashar says that where there are Arabs, there is Shawarma and I pray he’s right) a lot, I’ll miss MBC 4 (my favorite TV channel of all times), I’ll miss Uma, Bhaa, Rabab, Nawal and Saloum, I’ll miss very cheap taxi fares, I’ll miss Jordan a lot.

But I will never miss the uncertainty I experienced here, and it is great to finally be able to plan the near future.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


é a primeira vez que eu escrevo aqui... mas tô acompanhando sempre! Só pra ver se vc se situa quanto à mim, sou lá da Casar, ok? rsssss!
Espero que vc não se se habitue com Geneva, mas que vc se apaixone, afinal, é tão bom a gente se apaixonar, né mesmo?
Não demore muito pra mandar notícias, vc me deixa morta de curiosidade!

9:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lindo post, sis!

2:51 PM  
Blogger Anamaria - uma @MaeMaluquinha said...

Rachel, soh agora pude ler seu post. Estou tao feliz por vcs. Acho que vc irah sentir um pouco o que sinto em relaço a San Francisco... morro de saudades, quando chego lah me sinto em casa...mas lah sinto saudades daqui.
Eh fascinante conhecer outros locais e culturas, soh crescemos com isso.
Com o tempo vc se sentirah em casa em Geneva :-) mas sempre terah uma pontinha de saudade das suas outras casas ;-) A vida eh assim, toda escolha envolve uma perda mas tb ganhos :-) Um novo mundo de possibilidades abre agora para vc.
Desejo a voces muitas felicidades nesta nova fase. Tudo de bom!

8:42 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Não vai contar as novidades de Genebra, não?

12:47 AM  

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